Thursday, September 30, 2010

About this blog...

This blog is intended to gather and comment on a collection of the biggest things in movie history, specifically the larger than life monsters created within the scifi fantasy genre.  This blog is inspired by the human fascination with giants since the dawn of history and our modern interpretation of them on the movie screen.  My personal interest in filimmaking as an entertaining and meaningful artform and my curiosity about giant monsters serve as the catalyst for the blog.

If you are a fan of the movie monster genre and there is a film that you would like to see commented on at this site please feel free to contribute.


  1. With luck, we'll continue seeing more movies with giant things in the future. Though it kind of stinks now that everything is all CGI. Like it or not, there'll always be a place for good, old-fashioned Play-Doh and chickenwire. I guess Harryhausen would be happy nowadays, eh?
