Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Giants have intrigued humankind since time immemorial.  The creation myths of the world often feature giants.  The Old Testament describes Nephilim giants who were the fathers of the gods of old. The ancient Indian Hindu texts describe Diatya, a race of giants clashing in the sky.  In one Chinese creation myth the earth is formed by a giant horned creature, grown from an egg, whose body is the earth.  The knights of Europe fought dragons.  Perhaps it was the remnants of the dinosaur age, the wooly mammoth or a few large birds that swept the sky and permanently etched giants into the human mind.  Many great religious literary works of the past have sought the giants and movies have reached for the same heights.  The giants are brought to life in film, existing there, immortal as they are.

1 comment:

  1. See, this blog is interesting to me because I'm interested in filmmaking as well (directing and editing specifically, though I feel I'll forever be stuck in the video world). I like how you have a specific subject you would like to create a story from, though.

    I'm tired of seeing the computer generated shows or documentaries of the creatures of the past, best example would be mammoths and mastodons. Science claims we're still far off from cloning a mammoth due to incomplete DNA samples, but I want some kind of film, documentary or otherwise, of the real or fictional trials of creating a mammoth in modern times. Yeah.

    Also, Super 8... I'm excited.
