Saturday, October 9, 2010

3 favorite blogs

I like the engadget blog site.  I guess the inner tech geek in me appreciates this site.  The layout and design is easy to navigate and gather info without being overly technical with data.  It’s pretty interactive and you can “ask engadget” and benefit from their wide range of expertise.  So, if you have a technical question that your dying to ask, drop them an email and learn something.

I like the simplicity and lighthearted subject matter contained in the boingboing site.  A lot of the posts are user submitted through the “submiterator” which is kind of a silly name, but so is boing boing.  They've integrated themselves into the social networks and also have a shop with all kinds of irrelevant, odd items for sale.  
The icanhascheezburger site is funny and mostly comprised of user submitted photos of cats with funny captions.  If you’re in a bad mood maybe a photo of a cat sticking his tongue out is just what you need.  It’s interactive with the opportunity to vote on your favorite photos.  It has branched out into a number of pet and language oriented sites in case you prefer dogs.  Goldfish appear to be under appreciated, but if you've got a funny goldfish, why not submit something so we can all have a good laugh.

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