Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Monster Trailer review

The trailer for the upcoming movie Monsters is available online here.  Wow, it looks good.  Does anybody else think that this looks thrilling?  There has been a lull in monster movies as of late.  The 1998 Godzilla movie starring Matthew Broderick isn’t really much to talk about.  But it looks like hope is on the way with this new installment of Monsters.  It’s about time giants have come down to earth and started wreaking havoc, because humans need a break from all of their own mess making.  Let’s leave it to the big guys.  I give this trailer a claws up for its daring attempt to re-open the genre.


Monsters isn’t the only big thing coming down the pipeline.  Fantasy director Tim Burton will also delve into the genre with his version of the wildly popular Japanese Manga series Monsterpocalypse.  Let’s hope this uptick in Giant monster movies entertains and thrills us for years to come. 


So, what are your views? Have a favorite monster movie from the past. Are you looking forward to these upcoming films?  Do you know of any upcoming films that are guaranteed to be larger than life?  Post a comment and let everybody know that the monsters are coming. 

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