Wednesday, October 6, 2010

They Attack!

This picture was an available clip art that worked well to express the brand of this blog.  The image is simple and not too serious but still captures the feel of fantastic giants with an obvious reference to the movie monster legend Godzilla

Considering that the blog will begin with the monsters of early film a black and white image works well.  The bold lines and simple black and white colors give the image the modern look of a computer icon.  It's not exactly a movie still but there is plenty of time to post image blogs about all of the “real” movie monsters.    

The image captures the feel of all Monster movies, that being, something giant attacks.  This notion that there is something greater than anything mankind has come up with, including metropolises and cars is what makes monster movies thrilling and entertaining.


  1. I like it. It really captures the campy fun of giant monster movies, and the fact that it looks so digital and computerized at the same time gives it almost something of an ironic twist.

  2. What a cool picture! I like the whimsical nature of it, and it works well with your blog's theme. The fact that it is a modern clip-art referencing an old movie is reminiscent of your blog--you're using a modern medium to explore older forms of technology.
